work with me
Helping others find the grace and courage to explore emotions, take risks, and connect more fully.
Helping others find the grace and courage to explore emotions, take risks, and connect more fully.
I love to listen and ask hard questions just as much as I love to laugh. Each session is unique and fluid based on the topics that arise. I bring warmth, compassion, and humor to every meeting with the goal of helping folks feel seen and heard while knowing they have a safe space to be themselves.
As a Certified Daring Way Facilitator™, I’m honored to offer group workshops and training sessions centered around Dr. Brené Brown’s curriculum of courage-building and shame-resilience. I interweave Brené’s methodology with social-emotional learning techniques to encourage open-hearted, healing conversations.
Grief Goes To School: Evidence-based grief curriculum led by one or both of the co-founders of Grief Goes to School. This program offers a series of lessons that integrate well with social-emotional learning objectives. Lesson plans developed to be grade level specific with learning objectives, hands-on activities, and responsive/adaptive to student needs. Programming for students, teachers, & staff.
BOLD (for high school students): BOLD is a curriculum for students that’s designed to help them dig deep into self-discovery and shame-resilience. It opens the doors for meaningful conversations and equips students with the emotional understanding, courage, and compassion needed to authentically connect with each other and themselves. (In-person workshops only.)
Respiration // Grief Gatherings: In these gatherings we will connect to learn more about the complexity of grief, how to process the emotion, and healthy coping skills. We were never meant to grieve alone.
Exploring empathy
Grief Education
Skills for authentic connection
How to have vulnerable conversations
Living a perfectly imperfect life
I think both students and administrators/instructors learn so much about ourselves and one another through this workshop, and it’s so valuable. This is my second year attending Mandy’s workshops, and each time I am inspired and in awe of her ability to connect with students so quickly, to offer follow-up questions, and to affirm students in a very valuable way.”
- Anonymous contributor to a post-workshop survey.
“This workshop was really a positive experience. It made me feel closer to my classmates because they shared similar emotions and things that I have felt and experienced. It was great!”
- Anonymous student feedback from a BOLD workshop.
I feel more connected to my students after Mandy’s workshop, and I had the opportunity to hear more from students who are normally very quiet in class. It helped me to see other sides of my students that they don’t always share in the classroom. It was a really beautiful experience and so valuable! I highly recommend this workshop! I think especially in this pandemic, it helped students to see that they are not alone. That many of the things they are feeling and experiencing, their classmates are as well!
- Rose Deboer, Holy Names Academy
Personal coaching provides an opportunity for you to explore your whole self in a safe and supportive setting. We’ll start by clarifying your goals and discovering what holds meaning and purpose for you. From there, we’ll have biweekly, open-hearted conversations to explore how you can reach your goals with focus and ease. I’ll pull-in tenants and curriculum from Dr. Brené Brown’s research and New York Times best-selling books, including Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, and Rising Strong, to help guide the conversation.
Through our work together, you will learn and implement new life tools that foster courage and connection, clarity of values, and self-compassion. Our goal is to set you on the right path for living your own beautifully unique version of a perfectly imperfect life.
1-hour coaching call every two weeks. (Minimum 3 month commitment.)
Between-session practices, including worksheets, videos, and podcasts to supplement your journey.
Post-session summary notes.
Motivational texts and check-ins.
Availability throughout the week to offer support and guidance.
Payments plans available upon request.
Mandy helped me take my career to the next level by being real, asking the questions I’d been avoiding, and holding me accountable. She wove in Brené Brown’s work in a way that was both applicable and truly individualized, allaying any fears I had about a blanket approach. I left every session feeling challenged, motivated, and above all else, seen. I was so moved by my time with Mandy that I brought her on my podcast, determined to share her with my audience and provide them with a resource that could change their life. I remain so grateful for the time we spent together, and I’m truly excited for anyone who gets to work with her in the future.”
-Shanté Cofield, The Movement Maestro
She led me to a place where I was able to dive deep into Brené‘s work. I’m grateful for her genuine spirit and her strong presence in my life!
- Jean Lanctot
I found Mandy at a period in my life when I was feeling particularly listless and lost. Patient, caring, supportive, she listened without judgment. She gently pushed me to dig deeper, listen harder, and pay better attention to what my body and soul were telling me. Now I hardly recognize myself from who I was when we started the sessions. I’m more confident in describing my thoughts and feelings. I’m more comfortable with being vulnerable. I was able to let go and just create for the sake of creating.
- Hannah Binder
Life is messy, complicated, and far from perfect. But it’s also beautiful, inspiring, and filled with connections that spark joy and love. I’m here to be your guide as you chip away at the hard stuff and uncover the holes so the light can shine through even brighter.
“I would recommend this workshop to anyone who is seeking clarity on the values they want to embody.”
“Being a woman in a male-dominated industry, and being a new business owner, I often struggle with imposter syndrome. The workshop helped me to identify and understand where these feelings come from, and how to deal with them, so that I can continue to lead from a place of authenticity. I would recommend this workshop to anyone who is seeking clarity on the values they want to embody, and how they want to show up as a leader in their lives.”
- Stephanie Xenos, Founder: Money Muse